Our Position

The Environment: A Keystone of National Development


In the intricate web of national development, the environment holds a foundational role that extends far beyond the natural world—it is a critical asset that impacts our livelihoods, economic growth, and health and well-being. As a nonprofit organisation dedicated to environmental conservation, COPE understands that safeguarding our environment is not just about protecting forests and oceans; it is about ensuring sustainable development that benefits all sectors of society, not only now but for future generations.

Economic Growth and Livelihoods
The environment is an economic powerhouse. From agriculture to tourism, numerous industries heavily depend on the health of natural ecosystems. Forests, rivers, and oceans provide raw materials, food, and water that fuel industries and support livelihoods. For instance, agriculture, which employs thousands nationally, relies on stable weather patterns, healthy soils, and water availability—all of which are regulated by our environmental conditions. Similarly, in areas where tourism is a cornerstone of the economy, the natural landscape often serves as the primary draw. Protecting these resources from degradation is not merely an environmental issue but a profound economic necessity.

In addition to these direct benefits, the environment also offers ecosystem services that are often taken for granted. Pollination, water filtration, and climate regulation are invaluable to human life and the smooth functioning of economies. The degradation of these services would not only lead to significant economic costs but also to the loss of livelihoods, particularly for communities that directly depend on natural resources for their income and way of life.

Health and Wellbeing
The connection between environmental health and public health is indisputable. Well-maintained ecosystems contribute to clean air and water are fundamental for preventing diseases and promoting overall health. Environmental degradation can exacerbate or lead to health issues—pollution is a well-known cause of diseases such as asthma, heart disease, and lung cancer. Green spaces in urban areas reduce pollution, mitigate heatwaves, and are linked to lower levels of stress and higher degrees of overall happiness in T&T.

The current national decline in biodiversity poses new risks; reduced genetic diversity among plants can lead to crops that are less resistant to pests and diseases, impacting food security and agricultural outputs. Emerging infectious diseases, many linked to the disturbance of wild habitats, represent another significant health threat tied to environmental degradation.

Cultural and Social Values
The environment also plays a crucial role in the cultural fabric of many communities. Natural landscapes hold historical and spiritual significance that contributes to social identity and cohesion. Additionally, the environment supports recreational activities that enhance the quality of life and promote social well-being.

A Call to Action
At COPE, we believe that the sustainability of our environment is inextricably linked to national development. It is imperative that environmental conservation be viewed through a holistic lens—one that recognizes its role in economic stability, health, and social well-being. Ignoring the environmental component in national development policies is not only unsustainable but also counterproductive.

Currently, COPE is actively collaborating with various state agencies to ensure that environmental considerations are integrated into both policies and action plans. By securing positions on key committees and participating in critical activities, COPE is strategically positioning itself to influence decision-making processes. This involvement allows us to advocate effectively for sustainable practices and ensure that environmental protection is a priority in the development and implementation of governmental policies and actions. Through these efforts, COPE aims to foster a more holistic approach to national development that duly recognizes the importance of environmental health and sustainability.

We invite stakeholders from all sectors—government, business, and civil society—to join us in integrating the health of the environment into the blueprint of our national development. Only by fostering a sustainable relationship with our environment can we hope to achieve a resilient and prosperous future for all citizens.