Our Participation

What we do?

What we do

COPE’s active participation on numerous national environmental committees is a fundamental aspect of our mission to drive sustainable and impactful environmental policies and practices across the nation. Serving on these committees allows us to bring our specialized knowledge and advocacy strengths directly into the decision-making processes that shape the future of our natural landscapes and resources. This involvement not only ensures that environmental considerations are woven into national policies but also positions COPE as a key player in strategic environmental planning and management.

Our work on these committees involves a collaborative approach, where we engage with government agencies, other NGOs, and industry leaders to foster comprehensive discussions and integrative solutions. By having a seat at the table, COPE is able to influence, negotiate, and advocate for environmental priorities effectively, ensuring that every decision aligns with our vision for a sustainable future. Furthermore, our representatives on these committees are tasked with not only voicing COPE’s positions but also bringing back valuable insights and opportunities that can be leveraged within our network to enhance our collective actions and strategies. This dynamic exchange enriches our capabilities and strengthens our overall impact in environmental conservation and advocacy.

Our Current Participation

Active Committees

COPE has active members on 10 national committees.


Name of Committee
GEF Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in Small Island Developing States (GEF ISLANDS) Programme
COPE Rep: Ryan Mohammed & Patricia McGaw
Convening Agency
Basel Convention Regional Centre (BCRC-Caribbean) / EMA



Name of Committee
Green Key National Jury

COPE Rep: Patricia Turpin & Patricia McGaw
Convening Agency
Green Key TT



Name of Committee
Technical Sub-Committee of the Biodiversity Conservation and Agroecological Land Restoration in Productive Landscapes of Trinidad and Tobago (BIOREACH) Project.
COPE Rep: Patricia Turpin & Kristopher Rattansingh
Convening Agency
Ministry of Planning and Development



Name of Committee
EMA Officers Programme
COPE Rep: Kristopher Rattansingh & Katrina Khan-Roberts
Convening Agency
Environmental Management Authority



Name of Committee
Steering Committee for the ‘Strengthening Trinidad and Tobago’s Capacity in Transparency for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation’ (CBIT).
COPE Rep: Pat McGaw & Anand Mahabir
Convening Agency
Environmental Management Authority



Name of Committee
Improving National Sargassum Management Capacities in the Caribbean
COPE Rep: Kristoher Rattansingh & Patricia McGaw
Convening Agency
Ministry of Planning and Development



Name of Committee
IPBES TT Platform Working Group

COPE Rep: Linton Arneaud & Patricia Turpin
Convening Agency
Ministry of Planning and Development



Name of Committee
Committee for the Alignment of the National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan (NBSAP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)
COPE Rep: Richard Sebro Linton Arneaud
Convening Agency
Ministry of Planning and Development



Name of Committee
Management Advisory Committee – ESA/ESS
COPE Rep: Kristopher Rattansingh & Richard Sebro
Convening Agency
Environmental Management Authority



Name of Committee
National Steering Committee-UNEP project "Capacity development to catalyze actions and commitments at the national and global level to reduce plastic pollution including in the marine environment” in Trinidad and Tobago.
COPE Rep: Richard Sebro & Ryan Mohammed
Convening Agency
Ministry of Planning and Development